Monday, April 28, 2014

Little Miss Sunshine :)

Lately I've been receiving very sympathetic messages asking me to be strong. So presuming that it is the result of my first and second posts, allow me to justify myself.

The posts were written shortly after I got back from Malaysia but remained unpublished till early April hence the recent date of publication. It does not at all reflect on how I feel at this moment as I am indeed over it.

So no need to tell me to be strong. I'm fine. More than fine.

The past is not going to change. I am moving forward as planned with a big smile on my face :) The next chapter will be legen....wait for it...dary!!! LEGENDARY!!

2 and a half more months. Time flies!! GASP!!

I have two and a half more months to home. CANT WAIT!!!

But first, UNIVERSITY EXAMS stands as a big hurdle. But I will survive :)

Exams thou shall be conquered!!!

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